Wednesday 2 July 2008

COD4 jumps and secret climb spots.

Playing on Ambush last night, i was wondering how guys were getting into the middle broken building near the flaming tank (its barrel points to the wall). I played a solo game on that map to investigate and found that at the corner of the brick wall is a part where you can run+jump and the player will climb. I already knew about some other areas in the other maps you could do this.

a quick google search revealed the following video. The first one, funnily enough is the ambush jump i was trying to suss out.

He doesnt have every jump for every map and some of these might just be glitches, but still its quite intresting


(not sure how to imbed videos on the blog. can anyone edit the post to do that?)

[box of monsters edited to embed the video]


Switch to Chaos said...

Yeah there seem to be some new discoveries lately regarding secret places. Once in Overgrown, i ran up and waited at the top of the stairs to get someone who could have been chasing me, in the building with the mounted machine gun next to other building with an upper floor (Domination flag B). Next thing i knew, i spotted a teammate outside the window next to me. Somehow managed to get on and balance on a ledge or something :s

Switch to Chaos said...

Noticed it downloaded a new patch for the game (360). Any idea what it does? Quick look on the internets doesn't reveal anything, though they did say a small PC patch was released a few days ago.