Tuesday 16 September 2008

Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning

I'm giving it a go, if anyone else is playing it. I'm on [EU] Karak Hirn. I went Order, character name Silvermane.

Seems not bad so far. Very, very World of Warcraft like, which isn't necessarilly a bad thing. It eases you nicely into PvP, which really isn't my thing usually, but it was actually quite fun in this. I just need some Baboons to back me up and we'll clean house... ;]

Tuesday 29 July 2008

New CoD modes!

Sweet. No ETA on when they'll arrive, but nice to see IW still giving some love back to the fans.

Bare-bones Team Deathmatch.

No more excuses. No more blaming Martyrdom or Juggernaut for your lack of skills and kills. Bare Bones Team Deathmatch eliminates the excuses and takes it back to basics with standard Team Deathmatch with no perks, no kill streak rewards. Just you, your skill, and your weapons.

Hardcore HQ

Hardcore HQ requires a lot more than just spamming the HQ position with nades and running in guns blazing. Hardcore HQ encourages more tactical gameplay and communication to win with increased damage, no HUD elements, and friendly fire on.

Multi-bomb Search and Destroy

Multi-bomb Search and Destroy starts every member of the attacking team with a bomb. So everyone has the opportunity to plant if they’re good enough.

Hardcore FFA

Even faster paced Free For Alls, where every bullet counts and playing smart is key for a solid k/d ratio. Standard Free for All rules, with Hardcore mode enabled for extra damage, no HUD, and no health re-gen.

Saturday 19 July 2008

Some Call Of Duty 5 details revealed

From gamercentreonline.net:

Mutliplayer perks are also back, including some of the favorites from Call of Duty 4, but there will also be new ones that better suit the time period. The game also features new weapons for the series, such as the flamethrower, which according to OXM, can melt the skin off of your enemies and set ablaze grass and wooden buildings. You are also able to shoot throw materials depending on the strength of the material.

I bet Martyrdom will make it back for all the losers.

Also a squad system (from uk.gamespot.com):

Competitive multiplayer, meanwhile, looks to be a bit more familiar. The system of persistent leveling and character perks used in Modern Warfare has been borrowed and enhanced with a number of new upgrades, like a flak jacket that helps protect you from grenade blasts. But not everything is strictly influenced by Modern Warfare. New to this game will be a squad system (a smaller group within the normal team) where spawns are highly influenced by where your squadmates are and cooperation is encouraged through a squad-only waypoint system. Vehicles will also make a return, though not the swift motorcycles and jeeps seen in Call of Duty 3. This time around the vehicle focus is on heavy-duty machinery like tanks and trucks. If Treyarch is able to pull off forming a cohesive experience out of all these elements and influences, the multiplayer experience should be quite the competitive powerhouse.

Sunday 6 July 2008

R6 Vegas 2 Patch 1.03

R6 Vegas 2 Fan Pack video, related to NightJim's post. Also from rainbowsixgame.uk.ubi.com:

2nd July 2008 - Vegas 2 Patch 1.03 and map Pack Now Available
The previously announced patch 1.3 for Rainbow Six Vegas 2 is now available worldwide. Xbox 360 and PS3 players should automatically download the update when they next launch the game.

Update: the game will download the patch automatically on boot when online, though you'll have to download the free maps via Marketplace.

Wednesday 2 July 2008

COD4 jumps and secret climb spots.

Playing on Ambush last night, i was wondering how guys were getting into the middle broken building near the flaming tank (its barrel points to the wall). I played a solo game on that map to investigate and found that at the corner of the brick wall is a part where you can run+jump and the player will climb. I already knew about some other areas in the other maps you could do this.

a quick google search revealed the following video. The first one, funnily enough is the ambush jump i was trying to suss out.

He doesnt have every jump for every map and some of these might just be glitches, but still its quite intresting


(not sure how to imbed videos on the blog. can anyone edit the post to do that?)

[box of monsters edited to embed the video]

Monday 30 June 2008

Battlefield Sucks

Well, that's my conclusion after playing it for a good portion of the weekend. SP is ok, nothing special - but the big thing, MP sucks. There were a few moments of fun, but overall I found it extremely frustrating - so, it's not looking like it's going to pull me away from CoD. Oh, and technically, it's a total shambles. Broken lobby, broken voice chat, awful spawing. Maybe I'm not getting it, or I'm not playing it 'right'. Whatever. I didn't enjoy it. I am prepared to try it again if ALL of the technical issues are resolved, but I'm not holding my breath.

Here's what EA have to say....

"We are aware that some X360 players are having issues connecting to the Bad Company servers. We've been monitoring stats non-stop and are working with several partners to locate any possible flashpoints and eradicate any hostiles we encounter."

And here is there 'fix' - Total clownshoes.

"Until we are ready to implement a permanent fix, a possible workaround is to turn off your console for approx. 20 minutes before turning it back on and connecting again."

Errr....no, I'll turn it off and play CoD thanks.

Friday 27 June 2008

Rainbow DLC

Released sometime next month and the best part is that its free.

Nicked from IGN

Three new MP maps are included for a brand-new Vegas 2 multiplayer experience, including two re-lit maps and the fan favorite from Rainbow Six Vegas:
  • Calypso Casino: The fan favorite from Rainbow Six Vegas is back by popular demand. All Rainbow Six Vegas 2 game modes are supported, including co-op terrorist hunt.

  • Murdertown – Dark: Experience this map's intense, close-quarter action underneath the cover of darkness.

  • CQB Training – Dark: This map is set at nighttime, so expect more tactical assaults as players must use their night vision to spot enemies.
New Ranks. Unlock new ranks beyond the rank of Elite. XP players have already accumulated as Elite will be applied toward the new ranks.

More A.C.E.S. While Adding New Ranks. The A.C.E.S. will be extended to 100 for each of these three categories: Marksman, CQB and Assault. Each A.C.E.S. level earned contains a substantial XP reward. Points that players have already accumulated in each of the categories will be applied toward the new A.C.E.S. levels.

Grenade Indicator. While inside the damage radius of a frag or incendiary grenade, a grenade indicator icon is displayed on the screen.

High Stakes Setting. Experience game modes in a more tactical way using the High Stakes setting, including:

Limited HUD
  • No radar

  • Enemies not visible on tactical map

  • Grenade indicator is disabled
Health System
  • Health regeneration is disabled

  • Altered post-process effects of being in a critical health state
Take Cover
  • Camera view has changed so that players must be exposed in order to see around a corner
Weapons & Gadgets
  • Aim assistance is completely disabled, requiring players to be more precise

  • Bullet spread is increased when not zoomed in

  • Less ammunition
Kill Camera is always disabled

Friendly Fire is always enabled

Weapons and Gadgets Balancing. There are a number of changes to the weapons and gadgets settings in this new package, including:
  • Explosion delay of the incendiary grenade has been increased

  • Detonation speed of the C4 has been slightly increased

  • Increased the damage of Sniper Rifles at long range

  • Increased the base accuracy of the Light Machine Guns

  • Adjusted the rate of fire for some of the Assault

  • Rifles, Shotguns and an SMG
  • Sped up the time it takes to zoom in and out with weapons, making it more responsive
Respawns in Team Deathmatch. Hosts can choose whether or not their match uses random respawns in Team Deathmatch.

Voice Chat. Hosts can choose to enable voice chat between living and dead players of the same team so that when players die they can keep talking with their teammates (Player Match and System Link only).

Score in Deathmatch. Player's score, along with the top opponent, is displayed on the HUD in Deathmatch.

Team Leader Changes. Players now respawn next to the leader by default, unless players specifically choose to spawn back at the base.

Show Dead Players in Lobby. Players that have no lives remaining will have a skull icon displayed next to their name in the lobby screen so that it's easy to tell who is still alive and who has been eliminated.

Terrorist Hunt Spawning. Fixed the terrorist spawning so they don't appear right in front of players, or in areas they have cleared recently.

Bad Company first impressions

Single player:
Seems good fun so far. I think I'm about half way through after only a few hours of play. Quite repetitive in a ‘go here, kill dudes/blow up thing/defend thing’ kinda way, but what console shooter isn’t?

Theres been a couple of moments that have been badly designed and so tedious – I found the best method for passing them was simply running on foot with the health syringe equiped.

Also the enemies are much like CoD in that they will single you out, even when its illogical to do so. You cannot sneak up on them. Oh and they’ll see you long before you see them, mainly due to the age old shooter problem of grass being transparent to AI. Your squad mates will see enemies before you as well, so you generally get the feeling of being at a party you’re not invited to.

The important one. Had a quick couple of matches and they seemed lag free and fully playable. Not much to say really: if you like the way the demo played you’ll like the full game. I’ve heard the demo is now lag free so perhaps another try would give a better indication for those put off. The couple of maps I played were green and foresty, so there seems a decent mix of locations.

Thursday 26 June 2008

COD4: Overgrown - people just love climbing that damn wall

Very persistent. Must be a good view. [session TDM 25th June]

Snipers Part 2

Here's another really low quality capture from the game on the 24th. No proper audio, just a quick test in uploading videos in youtube to embed here. Tried to get a better quality grab last night but all my attempts failed because all the camping snipers i found were very stationery. Hence after planting the claymore, it doesn't blow up, and someone else takes the person out, or i get taken out.

Wednesday 25 June 2008

A fishy funk

Hello to you sexy baboons with your shining butts of pride.

Hello also to the ladies out there in world wide webz ;) I know what your thinking and the answer is yes. Yes i do have enough love to go around, so don't you worry no more.

Anyhow i have bigger issues than the supply and demand of Jon brand loving. I have gone all prestige and lost all my settings. I am unhappy with everything i use and so i ask you what low level setups do you use?

What are you fav combos?

Let me know.



I tweaked a couple of settings like making the timezone GMT. ;]

Bad Company?

What's everyone thinking about getting the new Battlefield? I quite liked the demo but I'm not sure if I liked it enough to buy it yet. What was going on with the communication as well, I couldn't hear anyone at all.


From last night's session. Unfortunately really low quality stills taken from the mobile phone video footage. Will look into getting better quality shots and videos soon.

Tuesday 24 June 2008

Squad Baboon rules. FACT. [BAB]


Don't forget that this site is also available via the url: http://www.squadbaboon.com/
Not too sure what this site's going to be, but maybe the bunch of us will help shape it up :)
Katharii has some good suggestions to start with: like gaming times for matches, what people are playing at the moment, etc. Guess we can add on from there like videos, tactics, or anything funny and/or interesting that doesn't have to be related to squad baboon.

Monday 23 June 2008